Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"I honestly don't know what I'm doing in my life"

Haha, I feel like I say that exact quote at least 10 times throughout my day. I'm here, in the most amazing city, yet I sit at home all day. Being a freshman in college is suppose to be exciting and memorable. I know things are what you make it to be, but at this point, I feel so lost. I sound like Stitch from the movie "Lilo and Stitch." I'm jealous of everyone who knows what they want to do with their lives and they're happy with all their majors. It's sad to think that school just started a few months ago and I am way more than ready to quit. No, I might be a little over dramatic, I guess I'm just tired of everything. Hopefully when spring semester starts, I'll be more in the spirit of enjoying the college life. After going to school for 14 years, I just get that feeling of: 
 HAHAH, no I'm totally kidding.
But since I mentioned spring semester, am I the only one who is dreading getting completely new classes? New students, new teacher. It sucks because when you think you're just getting settled in your class, and you're comfortable and friendly with everyone in there, you have to move and start all over again. Or if you made friends in one class, and maybe you only see them BECAUSE of that class, and when you switch classes, you never keep in contact with them again because you no longer see them. I wish college was more simple like high school. You get 6 classes, same people every day, for the whole school year. But I guess we can't always have it easy. The plus side of it is that we can broaden our mindsets and meet completely new people. And who knows, some of us may have the same classes, at least then, we'll actually know a familiar face and we won't have to go through it alone. Maybe that's just me though. I envy the people who can be so outgoing and make friends easily.

Food, Fun, and Family

I'm so excited to have another holiday season ! I can't wait for the food, to see all of my family and friends, and cant wait for all the family games that we will play as big groups. Every year during the holidays, is a time to bond with your family. Time to laugh a lot more, time to eat a whole bunch of food, and time to see family that you haven't spent time with.

 I love the holidays because I get two times the presents, since my birthday is also in December. Also because of all the food I get to make and time I get to spend with my cousins. The holidays are a fun time of year because it brings out the happiness out of people and everyone is a lot more generous, even people you don't even know. Although, for my family, it brings out the competitive side of everyone. Have you ever had three turkeys on thanksgiving, or game competitions between immediate families.

 Every thanksgiving and Christmas, each family all color coordinate their outfits and we always try to win every game, have the best tasting turkey, or get the best gifts for the little kids. My favorite part is actually the cooking. I love trying to cook new things, learning new recipes and being praised for having the best dish at thanksgiving and Christmas. I think this is my favorite part because my family loves to eat and are big foodies. Whenever we go on vacation, we just look for new places and new things to eat. So of course it means a lot to me if my family enjoys what I cooked.

 Another fun thing that we do as a family, is play white elephant or secret Santa. Its so fun because it keeps you guessing even more on the gift that you will receive or end up with. All family members can play and its very competitive and fun and maybe you can play with your own families. I hope you guys get what you wanted.

Uggs Season

If you are offended, so are the sheep. Here, Truth About Uggs

Hello fellow ladies, you should treat yourself to a pair of loving boots. Uggs are pricey, but it’s worth the price because we had to persuade the sheep to fall in love with your feet. The only sheep's happiness is to be sacrificed to give you the greatest gift it can. Be worn on your beautiful feet.

Yes, you're stepping your pretty pedicured toe nailed feet into a pair of skinned animal skin boots made out of skin of sheep. We lured the sheep in during mating season, so it thinks it can find a significant other when in fact it stepped into a trap falling in love with your feet. The only thing that the sheep will be able to mate with is your feet. Our caring sheep loves to make your feet warm and comfy. Sheep skin carries the soul of the sheep, in the most loving form. Sheep are brought into the world to make you warm.

  In order for us to lure the sheep in we sell an image to the sheep. An image such as freedom of loving your feet, a future, and  that it isn't worthy of any other sheep because your feet are so great. Sheep feel like this guy when they are able to be with your feet:

What sheep doesn't want to cross the borders and go to America to be adored by every teenage girl that wants uggs? This sheep is ready to meet your feet, ladies.
So, I'd suggest you guys buy your uggs soon! It's UGGS SEASON. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thanksgiving Break!

Can you believe we have been in school for 12 weeks! That’s three months of most of us living on our own away from our families and us surviving college! Now the semester is coming closer to an end and we will be half way through our first year as college students. We have one more week till we get our week off for Thanksgiving break and that’s exciting for those of us who are living on campus and have not seen our families that much since we came here. I am not really talking about myself because even though I live on campus I live close to home so I go home every now and then to go for a few hours and do laundry. 

My roommate on the other hand is from San Diego and has not gone home at all this year because it is so far so it is difficult and expensive to get a ride there. Her schedule for cheer also has made it pretty impossible for her to have time off during the weekend to leave because there is always a game going on. I always feel bad when I leave because I get to see my family and friends and she has to wait till Thanksgiving break to see her family. So she is really excited for this week to be over so she can go home.

 It will be nice to have a week off from school and just enjoy time with your family. I am looking forward to the week off because even though I have gone home somewhat often I am never there for that long because I’m usually just there to do laundry so I do not get to spend much time with my family and friends because I’m always in a rush to get back to campus. So it is nice to get a week off and not have the feeling of having to be rushed. This semester is really going by so fast because we have about a month left till it is over. That is crazy to think about because I feel like we just started and now it is almost over! I’m excited for winter break though, but I’m also kind of dreading it because I am going to miss my friends that I’ve made here.

Why Fight?: A Self Rationalization

Ever since my youth, my father would become unreasonably ridiculous whenever he gets into an argument. And typically, those arguments would be due to a misunderstanding, or a miscommunication, or because a certain younger sibling had just recently chewed him out (this has become quite the common occurrence in our household). Recently, we got into one of those arguments and I wanted to convince myself that it was not my fault. Here is a compression of my points, what those points meant, and what they generally did for me.

1: I had convinced myself that the reason he was mad was not because I had shown no respect, but because a while ago, my little sister had, yet again, yelled at him for whatever thought processes she uses to legitimate her tirades. By convincing myself that it was my little sister who was the problem and not me, I could disregard his accusations of rudeness and, instead, pass the accusation onto her. He was mad at her for something she did; he was not mad at me for something I did.

2: I figured that his definition of "respect" was a warped one. Therefore, even if his accusations of rudeness were truly directed at me, then the definition of "rude" which I am familiar with would be different than his, so my being rude would not actually be rude at all. I also reasoned that, even within my own definition of "rude," I was not being rude. Therefore, he should not have been mad at me for an alleged rudeness.

3: I supposed that he had no real reason to be mad at me for anything anyways. He said he was mad because I was rude, but that would be no reason to get as mad as he did. My little sister is much worse than me in these terms, yet he never gets mad at her - at least not for long. Therefore, his wrath is skewed against me, and therefore illegitimate when determining who he gets mad at. Therefore, there was no reason to be mad at all.

I suppose this much content is enough to warrant a satisfying blog post. I also feel like the information was top notch. As such, I am done.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Feelin' the Christmas Vibe

            It’s almost that time of year again.  No, I’m not talking about Thanksgiving, though we should all be very thankful to your family and friends.  I am talking about Christmas.  That time of year where families reunite, celebrate, give, and have fun throughout the entire day.
            The reason why families celebrate Christmas is because people can get lonely.  Instead of stressing about school, or work wouldn’t you rather spend more time with your family?  The caroling, the gifts, the food, and the joyful cheers are what make that special atmosphere for Christmas.
            Did you know that the true meaning of Christmas is love? Main reason why I like Christmas is because it reminds me of my childhood when I used to go to my auntie’s house, receive presents, feast, and enjoy the vibe the family is giving off.  It’s just a wonderful time of the year where we all let go of the pasts and come together.   Christmas caroling, building a snowman, and decorating your Christmas tree is what I like to do the most during this time. My family is so into the Christmas vibe that my parents even setup the Christmas tree before Halloween even came. It comes to show, how much we appreciate this time of year, and how content we are.

            The custom of gifting people on Christmas day goes back to Roman festivals.  The gifts started out from twigs to jewelry, which gradually became very common to give presents around this time of the year.  Another thing that is very common during Christmas is its music.  Most of the music is pretty entertaining and good. It makes you feel very “jolly”.  The vibe that Christmas gives off makes you very peaceful.  A fact that I think is awesome is that around 95% of Americans say that they celebrate Christmas. I hope that everyone has a wonderful time, and can also feel the same vibe that Christmas gives off to me.

I’d also like to share a song I listen to every year that makes me feel very content.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

                This time of the year is literally my favorite out of the whole year (including my birthday). From Thanksgiving all the way till New Years, it is the most wonderful and most looked forward time in my family. And it’s not what you all must think: family is coming over from all over the place or we go over to some else’s house, no. For us it tends to be a little more intimate, we pretty much stick to each other, like going shopping, hanging the decorations, and cooking together. 
                Food is a very big deal when it comes to the holidays and for us its double trouble because we mix the traditional American food as well as festive Mexican food since I’m Mexican. Sorry if the next couple of lines get you a little hungry. We, and when I say we it pretty much means me, cook pretty much the whole day in order for everything to be ready for dinner time on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. On the American side we make the stuffed turkey, the ham, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, homemade oatmeal cookies, and store bought pumpkin pie. Now on the Mexican side we make posole, tamales, ponche, and store bought pan dulce. We have the biggest feast that we can’t wait to dig in. There was so much food last year that the whole family even took a walk around the block because we were so full. And the best part is that the left over last us for almost a week. 

                Yes it is pretty much all about the food in my house but we also have things we look forward during this time. For example my brother, sister, and I tend to go to Union Square and go ice skating, also going Christmas shopping, decorating the inside and outside of the house, and last but not least watching the Victoria’sSecret Fashion show. I know what you’re thinking it’s all about the hot babes and this blogger must be a dued, but no I’m a girl and I like watching it because of the cute new lingerie designs, the creativity that the catwalk has, the performers, and yes ok the cute girls. Also during the holidays there are two shows that I hope to see in person one day and they are the Thanksgiving Day Parade and the ball dropping in New Years in New York City. Lastly, we leave one weekend open to go somewhere like Reno, or Las Vegas, but this year were going to go to Disneyland. I couldn't be any happier because I have gone to Disney plenty of times, but during the summer so I’m excited to see how they decorate for the winter I hear it looks like a winter wonderland (fingers crossed). Well this is what this season is going to consist of for me; I hope it all goes good. And happy holidays!

Random Blogging my Friends

It's that time again! Blogging time... Now let me tell how much I don't know what to write about
today. I feel like I have a problem, one that needs to be treated. Maybe it's procrastination or maybe it is that these blogs sometimes get the best of me. This week's blog is supposed to be an analytical one so why not analyze myself first and what I have been doing lately. The biggest problem is that in a week we will be on break, woo! I feel as my mind is already on next week and that is no bueno. I
really can't wait to get through this week and go home for a while. Also, I am sure I am not the only one worried about the two essays due Wednesday especially since I know that not one person has been procrastinating... (cough, cough) I also have two midterms but I ain't no baby so it'll be a piece of cake... I hope! Just today though I have been thinking about this dang blog all day and studying for my midterm but found myself doing everything except my work. I must not forgot to mention that I have been listening to Eminem's new album and have really enjoyed it. It's called The Marshall Mathers LP2 and I have to admit that being a big fan of him my opinion is a bit bias. Hey! Let me analyze the album. This album I believe is very good and just shows how Eminem has changed his style as he grows older and adapted his style to the changing times. Of course, you can't expect what he produced in his early years mainly because he's not the same person he was when he was younger. There are a couple of songs regarding his relationships with his parents and his ex-wife and I find those songs to be some of my favorites of the album. When I listen to those songs I can feel his emotion in the lyrics especially in his song "Headlights" regarding his mother. In this song he raps about his relationship with his mother and how as bad as it is between them he still loves her. (For those that don't know know Eminem and his mother have one of the worst son-mother relationships you can have.) He apologizes for the offensive songs
he's made towards his mother and how he regrets all of it. This song is really just him looking back and seeing that he was wrong and regrets not being able to have a better relationship with his mother so that she could be part of his children's lives now. The main message in this song is that you can't change who you are and how sometimes you have to accept how things are even if you don't like them. Now that Eminem is much older and sees his mom in bad health it hurts to realize that it is too late but believes it doesn't hurt to apologize. Being more mature now he knows how hard it was for his mother and has even gone through some things she had to go through. He ends the song thanking her for being his mother and father and hopes she will accept his apology. The song is a great apology and one needed. Of course I've grown up with his music so I'm a supporter all the way. Maybe part of it is because his music really reminds me of my youth and just the memories it brings forth listening to him rap. Bias of course but I recommend all of his music. Maybe this wasn't what you expected but it's what I got and I hope this isn't docked points or something. Just blogging my opinion and I hope you enjoyed it.

Worst Night EVER!

What started out as a fun 18th Birthday ended up being a living nightmare! 

It all started when one of my friends was having her BIG 18 Birthday party!! She was so exited because you know... you are finally LEGAL! So she decided to do a birthday party at Golden Gate Park with all her friends. I was invited and was exited to go.
When I get there, I give her my gift and catch up with her because I miss her very much. The birthday party is going well. We are blasting music, eating some awesome barbeque when all of a sudden her ex boyfriend shows up with his stupid crew. They go to my friend on her birthday and flip her off. Cursing and yelling at her on her special day and threaten to make her birthday a living nightmare. They first threatened to call the cops on us, but they chickened out.

After leaving the Golden Gate Park around 7 pm we decided to go to another friend’s house and chill. When we arrived we get a call from a girl who was at the party that her car tires were slashed! GUESS WHO DID THAT..?? I WONDER..??? Yeah, those guys did it. They are just so messed up. After the whole car thing, the night was ruined; everyone just went home, except me and another 3 party guests. We had to WALK home. At 9pm we are walking on haight street by ourselves. We are walking home, and all these weird people are talking to us. Yeah, not a fun night!! VERY CREEPY ACTUALLY!!

I felt so bad for my friend. She really did not deserve this at all. There was so much drama I was just tired of it and wanted to go home. Now I am home, writing this blog and thinking about the worst night I ever had...


The 1975

The 1975….words cannot even begin to explain my love for this band. I was never into bands, except for boy bands. Just a few months ago, I saw someone post this band on twitter and I was wondering what’s so great about this band that they would rave about it so much. I went on youtube and I checked them out- I WAS IN LOVE.

The 1975 is a British band from Manchester that consists of four members- George Daniels, Adam Hann, Ross MacDonald and my absolute favorite Matthew Healy, the singer. The band is very inspired by the 80’s era and especially by John Hughes’ movies. The first song I ever heard from them was Chocolate and honestly I had no idea what he was saying the beat was just so catchy. As weeks passed by I became more and more obsessed and when I say obsessed I mean I had to listen to their album or at least a few of their songs each day or I’d start to get withdrawals. It’s been a couple of months now and I still constantly listen to their album everyday.
Within a year they went from writing and recording songs in Matty Healy’s bedroom to being the #1 album in the U.K. and selling out ALL their shows and concerts in their tour including the U.S. and U.K. The thing with this band, The 1975, is that they do not have a specific genre that you can place them into. They’re a mix of 80’s music, Michael Jackson, 90’s R&B, Prince and everything you could think of. They rebel against being placed into a genre and making music out of that norm. I guess that’s the thing I love about them; the fact that even though they don’t specify into any specific type of music they can still make AMAZING music.

The brain's behind this band is their singer and song writer Matthew Healy. I recently read this article about him and it was totally mind blowing how he described his music and writing style and the message he wanted to get across with their music. If you watch or read one of his interviews, you can see that he isn't like every other 24 year old who's desperate on trying to make him and his band big in the music industry. The way he talks, like this man's use of language is so honest and from the heart even though it can be seemingly depressing and a bit bitter, it's the way he conveys him and his band through their music. We all think celebrities are so different from us, but in reality there just exactly like us. Matty Healy is just a lost soul(as corny and cliché as that sounds) who expresses himself through music and that's why I love this band and Matty so much because it's so relatable(and because Matty is insanely attractive). Also because they really just don't give a rat's ass about the fame and fortune that comes with the music industry, they just want to make music.

I'm pretty sure everyone can relate when I say music is a BIG part of who I am and it will always be. In an interview Matty Healy says "I don't want us to get too big too quickly because I want people to feel like we're their band, like your my kind of band. That's how I use to fall in love with bands and I don't want to loose that with people because it really is important to me that every single person gets a band." That's how I legitimately feel with this band like their MY BAND and I know they'll only keep getting better. I still have yet to see them live at one of their shows so until then I can only continue listening to their album everyday. Once you  listen to their song chocolate you'll have "we've got guns sitting under our petite coat, no were never gonna quit it no were never gonna quit it no" stuck in your head. I hope you guys enjoy The 1975 as much as I do!!!
Btw they did a cover of What makes you beautiful- One direction and they totally KILLED IT! I personally think it's better than the original version, but that's just my opinion.

Gay Marriage

While doing my research on the topic of gay marriage, I found some really interesting studies.

Here are some of the most intriguing facts that I found:
"Between 1969 and 1974, the number of gay organizations in the country swelled from fewer than 50 to nearly a thousand, as a result of the Stonewall Riots in which NYC police raided a gay bar, sparking days of protest."
This raises the question: what was happening before these years? As in, before there were gay rights activists and organizations? Surely homosexual people existed; was it so bad that these people were forced to keep quiet not only to protect their reputations, but to protect their lives?
"Hawaii recently became the 15th state to legalize same-sex marriage."
This is great news but, seriously? It’s 2013 and barely over a quarter of our states are recognizing and permitting this basic human right?
"The gay liberation movement achieved a victory in Dec. 1973 when the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder."
A mental disorder. I find it revolting that people were/are ignorant enough to consider something so natural as homosexuality to be a mental disorder.
"During the 1980s, news of the AIDS epidemic increased homophobia and discrimination but also encouraged the gay community to further organize."
So why do we sympathize with the millions of AIDS carriers in Africa?
"In 1983, Congressman Gerry Studds became the first openly gay Congressman, followed by Congressman Barney Frank in 1987."
Good news! :)
"On Sep. 21, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the federal Defense of Marriage Act into law which defined marriage at the federal level as between a man and a woman."
Setting aside the obvious association of Clinton with the “sanctity of marriage” ... I would call this the opposite of progress for this country.

I think a very important aspect of this image is the fact that 7 states have legalized gay marriage in 2013 alone. I consider this to be very good progress for our country and hopefully a bit of foreshadowing of what is to come.

The following are a few of my favorite images depicting gay marriage:
I find this image to be effective because the man is supposed to represent Jesus; and he's alluding to the idea that those who are against gay marriage for religious reasons may be misinterpreting what is written. How do we really know the Bible specifically means? (On a side note: should we really still follow the regulations of a book written thousands of years ago, in a society much different from our own?)

These two images are among the most comical concerning the issue, but I believe they each convey a powerful message.

Finally, I leave you with a popular song which gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

Don`t forget to read, kids!

Sooo…This was my status this morning….

Note self: actually READ the agreement before signing up for an online shopping site.
$39.95 taken out of my account...great morning suprise.
Like ·  · Promote · 

Similar coincidences are not uncommon.
The only difference is, rarely does it ever bite you in the butt this hard.
Luckily I noticed this before it was 4 months out and i was around $130 poorer!

I gather you here today to be the spokesperson for reading
you remember those READ ad campaign posters in your elementary school and middle school? 
They typically featured celebrities like the cast of Twilight, Brittney Spears and Shaq reading books (yes they are SOO outdated but that makes them so funny!)

The point is, just imagine a girl with a fro-hawk reading a legal document with a look of understanding on her face and beautiful palm trees swaying in the background.
That should be the next READ campaign ad.  

But, really its expected that you don`t read the terms and conditions before signing in person, or signing up for something online. And that can be potentially dangerous.
I was lucky I didn`t involuntarily   sign away my left arm away as a police dog training tool on sundays. I would t have known if I did  until the police called me in and sicked a dog on me.  

Just please, 

What are you thankful for?

          I realize that SFSU is a huge commuter school, so many students are able to go back home very easily to see their family and friends as much as they would like to. I also realize that I am not too far from home either, about a two and a half hour drive away. But I don't have the luxury of seeing my friends and family whenever I would like to. But isn't that what college is about? Branching off, being on your own, meeting new people, and learning about new things?

       Well, that's what I thought before I started here and don't get me wrong I still do believe that. But what I didn't realize is how much I was going to miss my home life. By the time I was a senior in High school my mind set was already on college and moving away. I was ready to leave that small town and move on to living the city life. I knew it was going to be a big change, but I really underestimated how big the change was.

      I lived in the same town since I was in first grade. I am very close with my family and friends. Some of my friendships are ten years strong. So leaving those connections behind was one of the hardest things I've had to do. But when I do get to go home and see everyone I am very grateful. I know that some people aren't as lucky as I am to have the type of people in their lives as I do.

      Something that I have taken away from this experience of being away from home is to be thankful for the people that you do have in your life. Yes, families fight, they annoy the crap out of you at times, you scream at each other, but at the end of the day they are your family. They will always be there for you. So, as Thanksgiving rolls around the corner, I ask you this: What are you thankful for?

When in doubt laugh it out... Or not?

When having a serious argument with a friend, I began to laugh because of all the dumb things that was coming out his mouth. It was a hard transition to be serious and argumentative, because I had to catch myself and stop laughing. After that incident, I realized I tend to laugh during serious situations (only some). That is because I am so attentive to the conversation, I will see that nose hair coming out...

Laughing at someone who is extremely frustrated or angry at you is a good way to say "I don't give a damn!" Some say it's teenage "superiority laughter" which is laughing at the person because teenagers feel more uppity than their peers. And I definitely felt like I had won the argument because I just laughed at their irrational anger towards me. Although, I wouldn't say I felt superior...

Another theory for laughing is using it as defense mechanism. I'll laugh when my parents are lecturing me.... Cause I didn't do anything bad. Just stayed out real late. So I'll laugh at their viewpoint because my viewpoint is that I didn't do anything wrong and they're tripping about nothing. 
What I did last night:
Went to this thing last night. Definitely not going back to City Nights. Too much there (noisy drunk people and harassment) 

Parents picked us up cause we couldn't catch Bart. I was a little bit laughing when they were lecturing me, but then I got guilt tripped.

Well laughing is a good mechanism because for a while... I can trick myself in thinking I'm okay, but in reality I'm still affected by what my parents are saying.


I know I already did a presentation about whether we should legalize marijuana or not but there’s just so much information that I’ve decided to do my blog post on this topic as well. For my presentation, I listed out the cons of legalizing marijuana, which were, more secondhand smoke, higher chance of younger kids to obtain it, and people could make a case to legalize other illegal drugs as well. There are also a lot of other cons that I wasn’t able to talk about, such as, more people being high if it’s legalized. More people being high could ultimately lead to more deaths because they could do stupid things while they’re under the influence and could either get themselves killed or kill others. However, a counterargument to this could be that even though alcohol is legalized, you rarely see drunk people on the streets. Another con could be that the average GPA for high schools would drop because studies show that marijuana users are more likely to fail or drop out of school. A counterargument could be that people only skip school to smoke because teens think it’s cool since it’s illegal. If marijuana were legal, then nobody would think it’s cool to skip school to smoke a legal substance so that should fix that problem.

I also listed out pros of legalizing marijuana such as, fewer users for other drugs, black markets and drug dealers will lose business and a lot of them will go away, and if weed were to be legalized, the amount of users would stay around the same number. Another pro is the amount of drug arrests would greatly go down. As you can see in the graph below, nearly 50% of all drug arrests are due to possession or sales of pot. That’s over 750,000 arrests a year. 
A counterargument could be that if marijuana were legalized and police stopped looking for it, they could turn their attention towards other illegal drugs and have those drug arrest rates go up as well. The last pro that I was able to research for legalizing marijuana is that we would tax the sales of marijuana which would give us billions of dollars extra. Washington state has already legalized marijuana and they’re projected to make an extra $1.9 billion in the next 5 years due to extra revenue from marijuana sales. I can’t really think of a counter argument to this one. I mean, look at how much money we could potentially be making in 2018 if marijuana were legalized.
 So, yeah. Sorry about basically doing another presentation on marijuana. I just felt like I had too much information in my head that I had to get it all out somewhere so I might as well do it on here.