HAHAH, no I'm totally kidding.
But since I mentioned spring semester, am I the only one who is dreading getting completely new classes? New students, new teacher. It sucks because when you think you're just getting settled in your class, and you're comfortable and friendly with everyone in there, you have to move and start all over again. Or if you made friends in one class, and maybe you only see them BECAUSE of that class, and when you switch classes, you never keep in contact with them again because you no longer see them. I wish college was more simple like high school. You get 6 classes, same people every day, for the whole school year. But I guess we can't always have it easy. The plus side of it is that we can broaden our mindsets and meet completely new people. And who knows, some of us may have the same classes, at least then, we'll actually know a familiar face and we won't have to go through it alone. Maybe that's just me though. I envy the people who can be so outgoing and make friends easily.