Friday, November 15, 2013

How to find the perfect show.

          Browsing through Netflix, trying to find the perfect show to finally commit to, isn't as easy as it sounds. The endless choices and intriguing plots for each show i run into just make me even more confused on which one to pick! I knew I needed a plan though... a plan to help me pick the perfect TV series to get lost in and addicted to.

First, i decided i'd make a check list of all of the known factors of my being:
     -I am a girl. (No action. Comedy and love preferred.)
     -I find teen sexual health interesting. (Hence wanting to become a health counselor/OB.)
     -I am in college. (College relationships, friendships, parties, etc.)
     -I am in a relationship. (Live vicariously through TV characters.)

          Then I realized that i had to add something different to my list.. something more fresh, current and new to my eyes. AHA. I am a "friend" of a Sorority. Even just accepting my invitation, i was already so curious, anxious, nervous and even doubtful about it all. SO then i said to myself.. "why not a sorority/ fraternity based show?" Maybe it would help me get over my anxiousness or whatever. Or maybe it'd just be more fun to see how the other perspectives of the "greek" life are, even if it is only on tv hehe.

          Anyway, with that mindset going, i stumbled accross these 5 big and bad letters... GREEK. I didnt know any of the cast or anything about the show in general but all i know is. This. is. Perfect. Continuing on to actually watching it, i was so surprised about how witty and colorful this show was. In fact, it was so witty and colorful that i finished 3 seasons in less than a week!!!! Thats 10-15 episodes a season.. like yea, i know. Im craaazy. But it was damn worth it.


My point is, through this mess of a blog, is not to settle for what everyone else is watching. Commit to something for YOU, not because its the latest trend. Make a list of what you're looking for. Make a list of what you're not looking for. But no matter what, i know damn well that you wouldnt want to waste your time on something that doesnt make you happy, and/or benefit you.

1 comment:

  1. very nice blog. I LOVE Netflix. I am also the exact same way so i know how you feel haha! It takes me forever to pick a show and sometimes when i pick it i ed up really hating it. If i like something i will put on all nighters to watch it. I will deffinetly try making a lists of things i like or do not like. I never really thought of making a list but now im deffinetly going to do that before picking a show to watch. I totally agree with you that you should deffinetly do something that makes you happy and will benefit you!
