Thursday, November 14, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan: Largest Typhoon

As many of you know, there was recently a typhoon that occurred in Tacloban, Philippines. This typhoon is called Haiyan, which affected the lives of the Tacloban people. The Tacloban people are struggling with finding food and shelter, and some searching for loved ones lost in the typhoon. These people don’t have a warm home to live in or new clothes to wear—everything that they cherished was destroyed in this typhoon. And even with the destruction of their most cherished things, Tacloban people are dealing with unwanted burials. I heard on the fox news that the Tacloban people are going to start making mass graves. These mass graves are going to bury thousands of people; as a result, the victim’s family won’t be able to have the proper closure and funeral. These Tacloban people are vicitms of a disaster that they are now grieving for.

However, despite the tragedy that Typhoon Haiyan caused, I was really inspired by national support that resulted after the disaster. Not long after this typhoon struck Tacloban, people all the over world heard about this tragic disaster and started trying to find ways to help these victims. I think it’s heart-warming that people all over the world are taking the time and money to help others in need of help. It’s amazing how people help one another on the most difficult times; it reminds me of the saying “treat people, the way you want to be treated.” People recognize the destruction that this typhoon has caused to the lives of Tacloban people, and try to give them support and necessities.

There are some non-profit organizations like Red Cross, Shelter Box, and Habitat for Humanity, and many more non-profits that are trying to gather necessities and support for victims. Currently, these victims are in need of food and water. There are charities everywhere trying to raise enough money to help victims of the typhoon.

Here’s some advice if you want to donate or contribute to typhoon victims:
  • ·       If you want to donate or contribute your support to the typhoon victims make sure you’re donating to a profound charity.
  • ·       Some charities take some of the profit for another event/disaster, so if you are donating make sure you specify what cause you want the money to go too.
  • ·       There are a lot of charity scams, so the best way to avoid these scams is to donate to a well-known charity or a charity you know is reliable.

Please donate, or find ways to help Typhoon Haiyan victims!


  1. Some donations aren't reaching places that really need it... The president is slow. And there are still dead bodies on the streets... Despite the donations, very little is being done compared to the mass amount of donated money... I'm not saying don't donate, it's just that the donations aren't being utilized properly from what I'm seeing on the Filipino channel. Many still haven't gotten relief goods. The sad part is that people are still trying to make money by selling candles (no electricity) or newspapers (no tv)

  2. I agree with Omega. The Philippines, specifically concerning the government and its president are not utilizing the donations being given. As Omega mentioned as well, based from what I see on TV the president is very slow in responding to the relief efforts. I appreciate the fact that you posted more information regarding this disaster as it seems based on my surroundings, not much of the community is aware of the situation and how devastating it really is. I hope the people who were affected by the typhoon can get through it.

  3. I actually did not know that this happened...its very unfortunate and I will definitely consider seeing what I can do. I hope the people affected get what they need.
