Monday, November 4, 2013

The Last Possible Minute

I have always struggled and probably will always struggle with a little something called procrastination. This son of a gun has been in and out of my life since I could remember. It has never been able to part from me and I tend to encounter it mostly when I have big and important things to turn in. For example when I have to turn in a midterm paper I work on it the very last day and I am pulling my hair, nails, and teeth just to get it done. On these stressful days I tend to pull what are called all-nighters, which is the refusal to close my eyes until the work is done. I don’t know, in the inside I feel like I just have to do it, but at the same time I beat myself up because I know that I could have done this a week ago. There even comes a moment when I just want to stop and turn in the piece of crap that I have and just be done with it, but a voice inside my head keeps telling me that this can look or sound soo much better if I just spend one more hour on it. And what is one more hour less of “sleep” when you don’t plan on sleeping at all?

Assignments and projects left to last minute is just half of what this monster has been in control of. This beast named procrastination has been able to creep into my study time as well. Please I can’t be the only one. For example  I know I have a HUGE test coming up in two weeks and I know if I study little by little it will benefit me in the long run and I will be able to soak in information in a nice and moderate amount. But do I do this, hell no. I save it all to the night before or even on the morning of the test, if I’m lucky I study the last two days but this only happens on very rare and special occasions. Why do I let this happen to me? Sometimes I feel like I hate myself or something because I am just torturing myself by not completing my tasks that I have long periods of time to accomplish. Then again, I get this massive satisfaction when I am able to have a positive outcome out of the work I turn in. Like if I did all the work, research, drawing, etc. the night before and I get a great or even good grade I feel like I’m on top of the world. The satisfaction that come out of knowing that the work you were able to give under pressure truly feels great and leave a sweet taste in my mouth because I am able to brag about it a little bit.         

            I am in no way saying that procrastination is good and we should all fall into its devious ways, but I must say I have put out some of my best work when procrastinating and working under pressure.

This is pretty much what I mean:


  1. I enjoyed how you personified procrastination in a way, turning into a living thing. I too, suffer from procrastination, but I can't find ways to get rid of it. Being lazy is just so easy that you don't care about doing anything else. I was thinking maybe you can add some more pictures that illustrate what procrastination would look like as a monster. Overall, I enjoyed your writing, but maybe try to delve into solutions and both sides of procrastination.

  2. I really liked how you chose a subject that is totally relatable to your audience especially since we're all college students. While I was reading this, I felt like you were describing me as well. Like what alpha said, I also enjoyed how you personified procrastination because that's how we all see it as- a beast that just creeps up on you. Good job!
