Saturday, December 7, 2013

Finals, Finals, Finals!

As we find ourselves finishing up our last assignments for the Fall 2013 semester, we all have one common thing on our brain: FINALS. This is why I've decided to use my last blog post to offer some advice on how to be successful in these next couple of weeks.

Tip #1: Stay away from social media.

Our generation carries the privilege - yet also the burden - of having the whole entire internet at our fingertips. Although we're grateful to have access to virtually any bit of information we might desire, many of us have also developed an attention span the length of a paperclip. We sit down, we start to type, develop a nice title for our essay, and then we start to wonder what's happening on Facebook. Before we know it, 3 hours have gone by and we're looking at funny cat videos on YouTube! This is why during finals week, we might want to limit ourselves to only using the internet for research/educational purposes.

Tip #2: Don't deprive yourself of sleep.

I know we all have the habit of waiting until the night before the exam to study. Hey, the information is fresh in my brain, right? Although we might wish this were the case, it's always better to study in advance - a little at a time. Try to space out your studying in the days before the test and the information will stick a lot better; this way you also have time to ask questions about anything you might not understand. Plus, nobody wants to take a final exam on 4 hours of sleep because they stayed up too late studying.

Tip #3: Cut back on the social life.
We all know that you're a social butterfly and love surrounding yourself with good friends. During finals, however - you might want to spend some times as a one man wolf pack. Unless you're the type who likes to study in groups! In that case, go for it! Just make sure that you actually spend your group time studying and not just socializing. It's important that you focus your mind on the things that you learned throughout the semester. (This is not to say that you shouldn't give yourself a few short breaks between study sessions - those are always much needed).

Tip #4: Go for the brain foods.
Healthy eating is an important part of a well-functioning brain. Maintaining a well balanced diet is always a good thing but it's especially crucial during finals week. Try to cut the junk food for a while and stick to foods that are high in protein and low in sugar. Also, make sure to eat a nice and light breakfast on the morning of your tests. Studies show that those who eat a good breakfast prior to testing typically score higher than those who don't.

Tip #5: Wear glasses and look sexy.
Just kidding. Tip #5 is actually: have confidence. If you go into a situation believing you're going to fail, chances are: you're right. It's important to be calm, cool, and collected during a test. Stressing is only going to make it harder on you and cause distractions. Besides, if you've practiced the last 4 tips, there's nothing to worry about! Hopefully your professors have prepared you enough for their exams and given you all the information you need to know. Once you've looked over this information enough times to comprehend and remember, you're ready for finals!

Those were my top 5 favorite tips, but if you want some more, click here!

Also, I hope everyone does well on their finals and has a great winter vacation!
It was great sharing a class with all of you this semester, and I hope to see you all again in the years to come. Thanks guys and thank you Caitlin!


  1. I found this very helpful, thank you for sharing.
    Currently leaving my friend's house to do my hw.

  2. Wear glasses and look sexy. That's the way to do it.
