So this semester is almost over which is crazy, it has gone by so fast. I feel like it was just a few weeks ago that I moved into my dorm, ready to start my first year in college, and now it’s almost halfway done. Now we are all stressing out because it’s finals week and we have to write multiple papers and study for tests. For me, I am really overwhelmed right now. This semester has been pretty easy I think, work load wise, because unlike high school you don’t have to deal with unimportant busy work that teachers constantly gave to us just so we had something to do. That is why I think college is easier then high school, because in college we basically just have essays to do and reading for tests which is kind of hard but it is not that overwhelming if you just manage your time well because we have plenty of time to do it if we don’t procrastinate. I try to not procrastinate, but that never actually happens so I have become good at cramming last minute and writing essays in a few hours. That is one thing I’ve learned from college, how to be a good procrastinator :)
Anyways, so it is almost over and we only have a week left of school or shorter depending when your finals are. For me I’m pretty lucky because I don’t have any in class finals that I need to study or prep for. Mine are all take home so that is nice but it’s hard to force myself to sit down and get it all done (me and my struggle with procrastinating :/). Soon we will be on break and it will be over before we know it. We will be back in school with a whole new schedule and we will have to go search for our classes, get to know a whole new group of people in our classes, and have to deal with new professors who are hopefully nice and fair graders. So for everyone reading this that has a ton of finals here’s a video that I found that might help inspire you to get your s**t done!
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