Saturday, December 7, 2013

Its Time to Say Good Bye! :(

     English class this semester was really fun and exciting. I learned a lot about my writing through Caitlin's wise words. Caitlin made us read lots and lots of examples of good writing to help us with our own writing. We read pieces about Vonnegut, Elbow, King, etc. Remember those exciting readings... ;)

     As I look back on all the writing I did this semester, my essays, free-writes, and blogs; I noticed that I am becoming a better writer. My language definitely improved. I do not sound like I have verbal diarrhea anymore. My sentences are well structured, I do not have as many grammar mistakes, I am spelling my words right and my sentences are more cohesive. I actually sound like a college student.

     Caitlin made us practice writing a lot. Everyday we would have to do a free-write on anything we want. At first, I had writers block and had issues picking a topic to write about. I would also have issues starting to write my thoughts, but after many months of practice I think I finally nailed it down.

      Now when I start writing my essays or any other kind of writing, my ideas flow quicker to me. I learned to write down my ideas and then revise them later. I worried to as I write, not to worry about my spelling or grammar because you can always come back and fix it later on.
      From now on as I do my future writing, before I do an essay, I'm going to write a free write about my topic to wake up the brain and get it going.

      As the semester ends, I am really going to miss Caitlin's class. I learned so much in one semester of her class then I ever did in high school. I am also going to miss my classmates. My classmates really helped me out in my English class. All of their commentary on my blogs or commentary on my essays really helped me become a better writer. It is always good to hear feedback from others and their opinions.
       English class this semester was my favorite class. It was both insightful and fun. there was never a day where I would be bored out of my mind. Caitlin and my peers made class a joy and delight for me. I am really sad to be leaving. I wish Caitlin could teach Eng 214. That would be awesome!
                           We should all sign a petition to get her to be our teacher again!


  1. I'm definitely going to miss this class, as well. It was surely different from any other English class I've taken in the past.
    Also, I really noticed a difference in your writing, too. As they went on, your blogs became more and more organized, cohesive, and understandable.
    I really liked having the blogs as an assignment because although they were stressful at times, we were able to read what our classmates were thinking and where they stood in terms of writing and understanding what's going on in the class. I really enjoyed reading your blogs this semester and I hope you only get stronger as a writer in the years to come.
    Good luck, Thunder!

  2. I would sign your petition. :P

  3. I would totally be down to sign up as well!
