Monday, October 28, 2013

Dr. Phil-osophies

“Anyone can do something when they want to do it. Really successful people do things when they don’t want to do it.” - Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil is saying that in order to do something really great, we have to make sacrifices. Sometimes we need to take a step up the ladder, even when we think we’re not ready for that step. 

Take into consideration, going off to college. Most teens have lived under the care and shelter of their parents their whole lives, having no idea what it means to be on their own. 

When the day arrives and we’re forced with the decision of leaving for college or staying home and doing something else, the latter sounds really appealing. 

I get to sleep in the same bed I’ve slept in for years, I get to see the family that’s loved and supported me my entire life, and I don’t have to worry about making new friends. 

Those of us who make the decision to go off to college, however tentatively, learn that we are capable of adapting to this new lifestyle and will never regret taking that crucial step. We learn important life lessons and come to accept that our education is crucial to our success in this world. It's not easy, but it's worth it.


  1. The post seems more advisory than analytical but all you were saying was true about college.

  2. Worth it how?

    Post 2 on s'mores made me hungry! I thought your choice to equate the experience with going on a roller coaster was... Interesting. As for this post, I'm wondering a little bit what your purpose here was- do you think this quote is uniquely applicable to college students?

    I am also enjoying the images you are using. Your posts do feel a bit short, though.
