1. You forgot or
2. You remembered and just didn`t care...
I, fall into the "I forgot" category...
The point is, this post is late, over-due, and is probably going to be forgotten,
but, I press on and type away as my mind spits out the words to express my feelings about writing a late blog post, but, because I can`t find the words to effectively express said feelings, I found a video:
This 9 second video accurately depicts my feelings when I realized that it was
the wrong week and
I couldn`t figure out where to find Blogger (it`s been so long that the hotmail interface changed, making my life more difficult)
There is one EXPLICIT word, so, to those who do not appreciate profanity, I apologize
...everyone else, please enjoy, and have a laugh :)
I know everyone has felt this.
although i wish you wrote more in this blog post, this was perfect. lol i do agree that 9/10 times the reason people are late is because they did forget. Forgot to set an alarm, forgot what day it was, forgot to check when things are due, overall, forgetting is one of the easiest yet hardest things to avoid. i love the 9 second clip that did only have ONE bad word hahaha. clever.