Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mezzo Piano

Mezzo Piano means soft noise level in musical terms. Here I would like to discuss the melody of a song, Sagitta Luminis, played by Animenzzz, originally composed by Yuki Kajiura. Now that credits have been given, let's discuss music!

First up, let's discuss the song itself through an examination of its sheet music. The song is written in A sharp, at a pace where your hands are moving at a somewhat comfortable pace. The song flows in a good rhythm, not too fast, nor too slow (though if you try play it for the first time, it goes pretty fast). 

The song is meant to signify the finale to a seemingly endless struggle, full of the sound of inspired hope a brighter future. The song can be split into three sections where each section concludes with a longer pause. The first section is the inspirational section of the song. The second builds on the first and brings out a sense of a long journey coming to a close.. The final section is the part where you imagine a lone soul standing in a large expansive field of marigolds and they slowly look up at the sky of dawn towards the rising sun; the fight has ended and we have reached the conclusion. 

Now it is time for a review of the musician. His attire matches the color of the piano, his posture is fine as a pianist, and the way he plays the song is very standard. He isn't too showy in his playing, not flooding the song with arpeggiated chords or glissandos. He plays with an air of professionalism about him, which can be somewhat seen as he slowly raised his arms and brought them to his lap as he finished. His playing was more official than emotional. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not really into classical music, well its more like I don't tend to listen to it because I'm never been interested enough to sit down to listen to it. Anyways, I truly enjoyed listening to this melody it was nice and very appealing to hear. This is the kind of music that i should be listening to while I do my homework or read a book. I feel like it would have been more helpful if you linked a picture to the musician's attire in order to see what you were talking about in the end. Also next time add more of your opinion and critique on the beautiful piece.
